Autonomous electric shuttle from Nice to Carros

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In Nice, an electric vehicle with a capacity of 6 people, without a driver, which travels on open roads at more than 30 km/h was officially presented. The challenge launched by the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis by 2022 is to serve the Carros industrial zone, the largest in the east of the department, with 550 companies and over 8,000 employees. Christian Estrosi, mayor of Nice and head of the metropolis, aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030 and this will be achieved through thermal insulation of buildings and a reduction in mobility (5 to 8% per year).

The vehicle was developed by IMREDD (Mediterranean Institute for Risk, Environment and Sustainable Development) and built by Milla Pod. 4.14 metres long, 1.60 metres wide, with an aluminium chassis and 1,760 kilos when empty. 100% electric and autonomous, with a maximum speed of 50km/h, and a capacity of 6 people However, in real life, there are plenty of surprises on the road (pedestrians, badly parked cars, mascots). The algorithms of autonomous cars do not take into account all these problems; there is a lot of work to make them safe. A first step has been taken, but there are still a few to go. A little patience will solve the problem.

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