Elon Musk cancels the Tesla Model S Plaid

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The new Tesla Model S Plaid+ was to be the fastest, most powerful and longest-range Model S in its history. An electric sedan that can effectively shorten distances. In the end, Elon Musk put the Plaid in reverse and cancelled it. Tesla is therefore giving up on the top-of-the-range Model S, which was also supposed to have three engines with a total of 1,100 hp on the road. Its cancellation leaves the way clear for the Lucid Air and its 832 km with the largest range.

When asked about this, Elon Musk said the estimated 840km range is irrelevant to the range: “What we’re finding is that once you have a range of over 400 miles, a longer range doesn’t really matter. There are hardly any journeys above 400 miles where the driver doesn’t need to stop for toilets, food, coffee…”

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